peer-reviewed (with * are the publications as an independent scientist without supervisor)
*17. Atkison A., Rossberg A. G., Gaedke U., Sprules G., Heneghan R.F., Batziakas S., Grigoratou M., Fileman E., Schmidt K., Frangoulis C: Steeper size spectra with decreasing
phytoplankton indicate strong trophic amplification of future marine biomass
decline, Nature Communications, (research article)
This paper arose from the international size spectrum reading group SPECTRE and initial data compilation of Martin Lilley.
16. Weisberg S.J, Pershing A.J., Grigoratou M., Mills K.E.,
Fenwick I.F., Frisk M.G., McBride R., Lucey S.M., Kemberling A., Beltz B., Nye
J.A.: Merging trait-based ecology and regime shift theory to anticipate community responses to warming, Global Change Biology, (Opinion article)
*15. Wilson, J.D., Sibert E., Grigoratou M., Jones C.L.C., Rubin L., Smillie Z.: Neurodiversity: An Important Axis of Diversity in Ocean Sciences, Oceanography, (Spotlight article)
*14. Chaabane S., de Garidel-Thoron T., Giraud X., Schiebel R., Beaugrand
G., Brummer G.J, Casajus N., Greco M., Grigoratou M., Howa H., Jonkers L., Kucera
M., Kuroyanagi A., Meilland J., Monteiro F., Mortyn G., Almogi-Labin A., Asahi
H., Avnaim-Katav S., Bassinot F., Davis C.V., Field D.B., Hernández-Almeida I.,
Herut B., Hosie G., Howard W., Jentzen A., Johns D.G., Keigwin L., Kitchener J.,
Kohfeld K.E., Lessa D.V.O., Manno C., Marchant M., Ofstad S., Ortiz J.D., Post
A., Rigual-Hernandez A., Rillo M.C., Robinson K., Sagawa T., Sierro F., Takahashi
K.T., Torfstein A., Venancio I., Yamasaki M., Ziveri P.: The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminifera from ocean waters, Scientific Data, 10.1038/s41597-023-02264-2 (data descriptors)
*13. Ratnarajah L., Abu-Alhaija R., Atkinson A., Batten S., Bax
N.J., Bernard K.S., Canonico G., Cornils A., Everett J.D., Grigoratou M., Ahmad
Ishak N.H., Johns D., Lombard F., Muxagata E., Ostle C., Pitois S., Richardson
A.J., Schmidt K., Stemmann L., Swadling K.M, Yang G., Yebra L.:Monitoring and modelling marine zooplankton in a changing climate, Nature Communications, 10.1038/s41467-023-36241-5 (review article)
12. Falciani J., E., Grigoratou M., Pershing A.: Optimizing fisheries for blue carbon management: Why size matters, Limnology and Oceanography, Special Issue: Carbon sequestration in Aquatic Ecosystems, (research article)
*11. Acevedo-Trejos E., Cadier M., Chakraborty S., Chen B., Cheung S. Y., Grigoratou M., Guill C., Hassenrück C., Kerimoglu O., Klauschies T., Lindemann C., Palacz A., Ryabov A., Scotti M., Smith S. L., Våge S., Prowe F.: Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs, Frontiers in Marine Science, (perspective article)
*10. De Garidel-Thoron, T., Chaabane, S., Giraud, X., Meilland, J., Jonkers, L., Kucera, M., Brummer, GJ., Grigoratou, M., Monteiro, F.M., Greco, M., Mortyn, P. G., Kuroyanagi, A., Howa, H., Beaugrand, G., Schiebel, R.: The foraminiferal response to climate stressors (FORCIS) project: tracking the community response of planktonic foraminifera to historical climate change, Frontiers in Marine Science, (perspective article)
*9. Grigoratou M., Montes, E., Richardson, A.J., Everett, J., Acevedo-Trejos, E., Anderson, C., Chen, B., Guy-Haim, T., Hinners, J., Lindemann, C., Garcia, T.M., Möller, K.O., Monteiro, F.M., Neeley, A.R., O’Brien, T.O., Palacz, A.P., Poulton, A.J., Prowe, A.E.F., Rodríguez-Santiago, A.E., Rousseaux, C.E., Runge, J., Saad, J.F., Santi, I., Stern, R., Soccodato, A., Våge, S., Vogt, M., Zervoudaki, S., Muller-Karger, F.: The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) plankton
workshops: “Plankton ecosystem function, biodiversity, and forecasting -
research requirements and applications”, L&O Bulletin, (Meeting Highlights).
8. Grigoratou, M., Monteiro, F. M.,
Wilson, J. D., Ridgwell, A., Schmidt, D. N.: Exploring the impact of climate change on the global distribution of
non‐spinose planktonic foraminifera using a trait‐based ecosystem model, Global Change Biology,, (research article).
7. Grigoratou, M., Monteiro, F. M.,
Ridgwell, A., Schmidt, D. N.: Investigating the effect of benefits and costs of
spines and diet on planktonic foraminifera’s distribution with a trait-based
ecosystem model, Marine Micropaleontology, (research article).
6. Grigoratou, M., Monteiro, F. M., Schmidt, D. N., Wilson, J. D., Ward, B. A., and Ridgwell, A.: A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology, Biogeosciences, (research article).
5. Frangoulis, C., Grigoratou, M., Zoulias, T., Hannides, C.S.C., Pantazi, M., Psarra, S., Siokou, I.: Expanding zooplankton standing stock estimation from meso- to metazooplankton: A case study in the N.Aegean Sea (Mediterranean Sea), Continental Shelf Research, (research article).
4. Grigoratou, M., Frangoulis, C., Siokou, I., Zoulias, T.: Methods’ comparison in order to estimate the metazooplankton abundance and biomass, 11th Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, HCMR, (conference article in greek).
3. Siokou, I., Frangoulis C., Grigoratou M., Pantazi M.: Zooplankton community dynamics in the N. Aegean front (E. Mediterranean) in the winter-spring period, Mediterranean Marine Science, (research article).
2. Grigoratou M., Zervoudaki, T., Koutsoumpas, D.: Grazing and production of dominant copepod species in a Coastal Ecosystem of Saronikos Gulf, 10th Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, HCMR, (conference article in greek).
1. Grigoratou M., Zervoudaki, T.: Distribution of copepods and cladocerans resting eggs in the Saronikos Gulf, 10th Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries, HCMR, (conference article in greek).
Meeting reports
Towards a global marine plankton observing network: development of a
strategy and implementation plan (G7 FSOI – GOOS workshop report, Link)
M., Lindemann, C., Runge J.: Plankton ecosystem function:
biodiversity, forecasting, and prediction needs, 10.13140/RG.2.2.36415.59049 (workshop report).